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Adolescent Girls Therapy Group starting Wed evenings

Welcome to Houston Eating Disorders Specialists Forums Houston Eating Disorders Specialists Forum Adolescent Girls Therapy Group starting Wed evenings

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  • #1168
    Rachel Eddins

    Adolescent Girls Therapy Group starting early October, Wednesdays 6-7:15pm.

    The Adolescent Girls Therapy Group provides a supportive environment for girls to navigate the transition of early adolescence and celebrate their unique identity. Girls will learn how to boost self-confidence, strengthen interpersonal relationships, develop empathy and connectedness, and cope more effectively with daily stressors. The therapy group uses a mixture of experiential exercises and group discussion to help girls foster a healthy identity and positive relationships with others.

    Issues addressed include: body image, family, relationships, school issues, self-compassion and healthy self-esteem, drugs and alcohol, anxiety and stress, depression, and healthy conflict resolution.

    For more information contact 832-559-2622 or info@eddinscounseling.com.

    Or visit:

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