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Ideas for adolescent boys and body image

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  • #718
    Jana Rosenbaum

    I was asked to speak at a local high school about body image issues. Apparently the boys are “rating” the girls’ bodies, including using the app “hot or not,” which is triggering some girls. I will be addressing both males and females, yet we want to reach the boys by speaking to their own body image concerns. I would really appreciate any recommendations, resources or creative ideas. Thanks!

    Jana Rosenbaum

    Debbie Grammas

    Hi Jana,
    Here are a few books:
    The Muscular Ideal,
    Adonis Complex,
    Body Image by Cash.
    The first two are all on males, but all of them have chapters on boys and adolescents.
    I used all of them for my dissertation which was on male body image.
    Debbie Grammas, PhD

    Rebecca Compton

    Hi, Jana,

    I have a DVD called “Do I Look Fat?” It is a documentary about gay men, body image and eating disorders, focusing on 7 personal stories. This may not be what you are looking for, but it might inform you of men’s issues, whether gay or straight. It’s 58 minutes long. If you want to borrow it, let me know. This was presented in a workshop at a Renfrew conference some years ago.

    Rebecca Compton

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