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Inpatient for 25 yo male with anorexia and alcohol abuse

Welcome to Houston Eating Disorders Specialists Forums Houston Eating Disorders Specialists Forum Inpatient for 25 yo male with anorexia and alcohol abuse

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  • #1893
    Jana Rosenbaum

    Hello colleagues, I am seeking referrals for inpatient treatment for 25-year-old male who is anorexic and who has been abusing alcohol, so he will need dual diagnosis, but his primary diagnosis is anorexia. Thanks!

    Laura Laine

    http://www.serenitylightrecovery.com in Angleton,TX might be an option.

    Deb Norris

    You might try Carolina House. Call Leanne Raiford 919-270-8780.

    Kristin Niekerk

    I am at a Rosewood in AZ on-site right now and they can treat him.

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