Hi everyone!
Tomorrow is the last day to RSVP for our August Book (Journal) Club! See the details below:
What: Eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors in the LGBT population: a review of the literature (Parker & Harriger, 2020); https://jeatdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40337-020-00327-y
When: Thursday, August 12th @ 7pm
Where: Sixty Vines, 2540 University Blvd, Houston, TX 77005
RSVP: Please email Drusilla Rosales at dmrosal1@texaschildrens.org by August 10th at 5pm (I can also send you the article PDF if you have any trouble with the link)
Hope to see you soon!
Dru and the DEI Committee