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Low cost RD treatment needed

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  • #1928
    Kristin Niekerk

    Hi all-  I have a new client who is Bulimic.  She cycles between restricting and B/P.  This is her first treatment and she is very motived.  I am seeing her at a greatly reduced price due to her situation.  She is in need of an RD also but doesn’t have resources or insurance.  Is there anyone who would be interested in a “ministry case”, someone who is building a practice or maybe an intern?  Any online recommendations? She would be able to pay a little but not much, so NOT looking for free.  She is in Conroe but willing to drive. (I’m Tomball and she saw someone very briefly in Cypress but that therapist left due to a medical emergency thus moved to me).


    Thanks for any suggestions!

    Kristin Niekerk MS, LPC

    Pathway Counseling Services

    Carla Crutcher

    Hi Kristin,

    I work out of the Woodlands and our office provides sliding scale and scholarship options, so I could see her at a reduced rate. Please feel free to reach out if you’d like any additional details!

    – Carla Crutcher MS, RD, LD

    The Woodlands Recovery & Wellness



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