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RD Consultation Group(s)?

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  • #4122

    Hi all,

    Wanted to see if anyone knew of any local RD Consultation Groups for EDRDs. I found one through EDRD Pro, but was curious if there were ones offered locally/virtually in the Houston area. I appreciate any help y’all can provide!


    I don’t know of any, but I’d love to start one/be in one.


    I dont know of any based in the Houston area, but I know Gina Mateer and Tina Laboy have virtual consultation groups and are based in Austin.

    Supervision Group — Texas Eating Disorder Dieticians (texaseatingdisorderdietitians.com)



    Agreed! Would love to join one locally as well 🙂

    Rachel Nannola

    Hey Catherine,

    I’ve also looked and haven’t been able to find much for peer style groups/supervision. I would love to join one or help set one up!


    I reached out to a few folks on my end, and only referral I continue to get is the group in Austin that Jess previously mentioned.


    Thank you everyone for your responses! I would love to help get a local one set up as well – I this will be so helpful for so many. How would everyone like to proceed? 🙂

    Emma Berglund

    Hey y’all,

    I’m also very interested in forming/joining a group like this and am excited others are also feeling this need! I’m not sure if there is a more efficient ways of getting this started, but one idea is that I can collect the emails of the folks that have expressed interest on this thread and would be happy to create a when2meet form to get a sense of when majority of providers a free to set up a time to meet up and discuss cases- whether that’s in person or over Zoom. I’m certainly open to other suggestions and am looking forward to getting this started!



    Emma, that sounds like a great idea! My email is: catherine@growwithgabi.org

    Rachel Nannola

    Hi Emma,

    Thanks for being willing to get everything set up! My email is rnannola@mindfuleatsnutrition.com

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