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RD Consultation Group(s)?

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  • #4122

    Hi all,

    Wanted to see if anyone knew of any local RD Consultation Groups for EDRDs. I found one through EDRD Pro, but was curious if there were ones offered locally/virtually in the Houston area. I appreciate any help y’all can provide!


    I don’t know of any, but I’d love to start one/be in one.


    I dont know of any based in the Houston area, but I know Gina Mateer and Tina Laboy have virtual consultation groups and are based in Austin.

    Supervision Group — Texas Eating Disorder Dieticians (texaseatingdisorderdietitians.com)



    Agreed! Would love to join one locally as well 🙂

    Rachel Nannola

    Hey Catherine,

    I’ve also looked and haven’t been able to find much for peer style groups/supervision. I would love to join one or help set one up!


    I reached out to a few folks on my end, and only referral I continue to get is the group in Austin that Jess previously mentioned.


    Thank you everyone for your responses! I would love to help get a local one set up as well – I this will be so helpful for so many. How would everyone like to proceed? 🙂

    Emma Berglund

    Hey y’all,

    I’m also very interested in forming/joining a group like this and am excited others are also feeling this need! I’m not sure if there is a more efficient ways of getting this started, but one idea is that I can collect the emails of the folks that have expressed interest on this thread and would be happy to create a when2meet form to get a sense of when majority of providers a free to set up a time to meet up and discuss cases- whether that’s in person or over Zoom. I’m certainly open to other suggestions and am looking forward to getting this started!



    Emma, that sounds like a great idea! My email is: catherine@growwithgabi.org

    Rachel Nannola

    Hi Emma,

    Thanks for being willing to get everything set up! My email is rnannola@mindfuleatsnutrition.com

    Emma Berglund

    Good morning, hope everyone had a restful weekend! I’ll plan to continue collecting emails from this thread until Wednesday morning and then send out that link to see about availability to determine a time that works best for as many people interested. Please share your email here or email me if you’d like to receive that link or have ideas about about how to coordinate this group. My email is: emma@embodiednutrition.org.

    Take care!

    Robert Mendiola Jr.

    Love the sound of this, too! My email is mendnutrition.tx@gmail.com. I’m in the Austin area but happy to join virtually if that ends up being an option.

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